Pičín Cup 3/2015
Dne 7. 3. 2015 proběhne další Pičín Cup, ke kterému uvnitř příspěvku uvádíme nejdůležitější předběžné propozice. Rozlosování bude zasláno později sms.
Datum, čas, místo konání: 7. 3. 2015, 9:00 - 15:30, ZŠ Sportovní hala Jince
1) Sokol Pičín
2) Drahlín/Hluboš
3) TJ Ligment Milín o.s.
4) Kovohutě Příbram
5) SPARTAK Příbram
6) FC Višňová
7) Sokol Dublovice
8) SPARTAK Rožmitál
Otevřeno po celou dobu turnaje „ Saloon “, kde bude k dispozici káva, čaj, limonády (popř. i něco pro rodiče), sušenky, párek v rohlíku, Katův šleh...
Pitný režim:
Pro hráče a rozhodčí zajišťuje pořadatel.
Ceny za umístění:
Poháry za umístění 1., 2., 3. místo
Diplomy pro všechny týmy za umístění
Ceny pro jednotlivce:
Nejlepší střelec turnaje
Nejlepší hráč turnaje
Nejlepší brankař turnaje
Každý účastník dostane dárkový balíček
Časový plán: (bude doupraveno dle počtu přihlášených týmů)
Šatny k dispozici od 8:15
Předpokládaný začátek turnaje je v 9:00.
Všechny utkání se budou hrát bezprostředně po sobě (max. prodleva mezi zápasy je 3 min).
Předpokládaný konec turnaje je 13:30.
Přehled komentářů
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Download the 2N datasheet PDF for comprehensive transistor specifications.
(DatasheetOa, 22. 12. 2024 9:55)
The signal diode datasheet is key for understanding the operating parameters for low current applications in signal circuits. If you're working with high-power designs, a switching transistor datasheet outlines specifications for high-speed switching applications. Thyristor datasheet helps you understand the behavior of thyristors in switching and controlling high-voltage systems. When working with sensors, a sensor datasheet provides information about sensitivity, power consumption, and interface requirements. The temperature sensor datasheet is critical for projects requiring accurate temperature measurements.
The site with millions datasheet - https://getdatasheet.com/datasheets/new/2024/3/13.html
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Good luck!
(LamaUtign, 22. 12. 2024 7:47)
I want to show you one exclusive program called (BTC PROFIT SEARCH AND MINING PHRASES), which can make you a rich man!
This program searches for Bitcoin wallets with a balance, and tries to find a secret phrase for them to get full access to the lost wallet!
Run the program and wait, and in order to increase your chances, install the program on all computers available to you, at work, with your friends, with your relatives, you can also ask your classmates to use the program, so your chances will increase tenfold!
Remember the more computers you use, the higher your chances of getting the treasure!
(LamaUtign, 21. 12. 2024 23:34)
I want to show you one exclusive program called (BTC PROFIT SEARCH AND MINING PHRASES), which can make you a rich man!
This program searches for Bitcoin wallets with a balance, and tries to find a secret phrase for them to get full access to the lost wallet!
Run the program and wait, and in order to increase your chances, install the program on all computers available to you, at work, with your friends, with your relatives, you can also ask your classmates to use the program, so your chances will increase tenfold!
Remember the more computers you use, the higher your chances of getting the treasure!
(LamaUtign, 21. 12. 2024 19:02)
I want to show you one exclusive program called (BTC PROFIT SEARCH AND MINING PHRASES), which can make you a rich man!
This program searches for Bitcoin wallets with a balance, and tries to find a secret phrase for them to get full access to the lost wallet!
Run the program and wait, and in order to increase your chances, install the program on all computers available to you, at work, with your friends, with your relatives, you can also ask your classmates to use the program, so your chances will increase tenfold!
Remember the more computers you use, the higher your chances of getting the treasure!
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(Altondaype, 21. 12. 2024 15:29)СЗЗ (санитарно защитная зона) для промышленных предприятий в Москве и Московской области. Что нужно учесть при разработке проекта СЗЗ и на этапе согласования в органах надзора для обеспечения законной деятельности объекта НВОС https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1719864-chto-takoe-szz-i-kak-razrabotat-proekt-sanitarnoi-zony
(LamaUtign, 21. 12. 2024 14:48)
I want to show you one exclusive program called (BTC PROFIT SEARCH AND MINING PHRASES), which can make you a rich man!
This program searches for Bitcoin wallets with a balance, and tries to find a secret phrase for them to get full access to the lost wallet!
Run the program and wait, and in order to increase your chances, install the program on all computers available to you, at work, with your friends, with your relatives, you can also ask your classmates to use the program, so your chances will increase tenfold!
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(Altondaype, 21. 12. 2024 14:25)СЗЗ (санитарно защитная зона) для промышленных предприятий в Москве и Московской области. Что нужно учесть при разработке проекта СЗЗ и на этапе согласования в органах надзора для обеспечения законной деятельности объекта НВОС https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1719864-chto-takoe-szz-i-kak-razrabotat-proekt-sanitarnoi-zony
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(Altondaype, 21. 12. 2024 12:30)СЗЗ (санитарно защитная зона) для промышленных предприятий в Москве и Московской области. Что нужно учесть при разработке проекта СЗЗ и на этапе согласования в органах надзора для обеспечения законной деятельности объекта НВОС https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1719864-chto-takoe-szz-i-kak-razrabotat-proekt-sanitarnoi-zony
kak razrabotat proekt sanitarnoi zony
(Altondaype, 21. 12. 2024 11:37)СЗЗ (санитарно защитная зона) для промышленных предприятий в Москве и Московской области. Что нужно учесть при разработке проекта СЗЗ и на этапе согласования в органах надзора для обеспечения законной деятельности объекта НВОС https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1719864-chto-takoe-szz-i-kak-razrabotat-proekt-sanitarnoi-zony
Get the best transistor performance data in the Transistor datasheet PDF.
(DatasheetOa, 21. 12. 2024 9:13)
When working with LP datasheet download files, you gain access to specifications for various low-power ICs. The LS series datasheet provides key data for selecting LS components in different applications. The LT component datasheet offers details on low-noise components used in audio and other precision applications. M series datasheet offers comprehensive information for M series integrated circuits. With the M5 datasheet PDF, you can quickly evaluate the specifications of the M5 components.
The site with millions datasheet - https://getdatasheet.com/datasheets/history/2017/9/1.html
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Good luck!
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